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Nailfold capillaroscopy microscopy

tasly microcirculation test Glossary terms for Beginners

tasly microcirculation test

tasly microcirculation test advantage

tasly microcirculation test advantage

1.in 5 seconds can be observed in the microvascular circulation, simple operation and fast;
2.the microscopic image is stable, clear, do not shake;
3.400 times the microcirculation of a dedicated high-resolution lens of the microscope;
4.handheld ultra-light design, so that the observation of more mobility;
5.with micro-focus wheel, free to adjust the focus length, the use of more convenience
6.lens built-in LED cold light source, accurate projection illumination on an object;
7.using non-invasive way, to observe the microcirculation of human body in time;
8.observing the microcirculation for any part of human body;

tasly microcirculation test

What is tasly microcirculation test?

What is tasly microcirculation test ?

an intravitam method of study involving the examination, under magnification, of capillaries of the epithelial or endothelial integuments of animals and man (skin, mucous membranes).In man, the capillaries are examined in the skin fold of the nail bed, where they can be viewed most conveniently. A microscope or a special instrument, the capillaroscope, is used for this purpose. The use of the microscope (20–100 power magnification) after the application of a drop of clarifying oil to the skin and good oblique illumination provide good visibility. Changes are observed in the capillaries with disturbances of the peripheral blood circulation of a variety of etiologies (in vascular neuroses, the early stages of cardiac insufficiency, end arteritis obliterans). The changes observed during capillaroscopy are not strictly specific to a given pathological condition; they arise as an adaptive mechanism to any disturbance of the general blood flow. There-fore, capillaroscopy is used only as a supplementary diagnostic method in general clinical examinations.

tasly microcirculation test

What is Fingernail Growth and tasly microcirculation test

What is Fingernail Growth and tasly microcirculation test

Fingernails reach their peak growth in the second and third decades, with a slight decline thereafter. A possible reason, is decreased blood flow and medical conditions that can affect it — like Raynaud’s phenomenon, which causes a spasmodic constriction of blood flow.

As the nail receives nutrition from blood flow, new nail plate cells are made. They push older nail plate cells forward extending the length of the nail. In humans, nails grow at an average rate of 3 mm (0.12 in) a month.

Using the AVACEN 100 has been shown to increase projected fingernail growth by approximately 400% of normal expected growth on both the treatment hand and the opposite hand. This is attributed to the increased microvascular circulation and nutrition initiated by the device.*

A 56 year old female was used in the pictures below. Only the left hand was used in the AVACEN 100 for a 6 day period. Using recognized nail growth calculations; the average age adjusted nail growth should be approximately 1/10th of an inch for an entire month . The pictures below shows the nail growth on the right hand to be approximately 1/10th of an inch in only 6 days.

tasly microcirculation test

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