MAIKONG capillaroscopy,nailfold capillaroscopy,fingernail under microscope,nail fold capillaroscopy,nailfold capillary microscopy

what is nail fold vasculature capillaroscopy?

what is nail fold vasculature capillaroscopy?

microcirculation microscope



The AVACEN 100, Class-IIa, OTC medical device has been awarded the European Union CE (Conformité Européenne) Mark and is approved by Health Canada for the temporary increase of microcirculation.
AVACEN 100 U.S. FDA-Clearance: A heat therapy system indicated for the temporary relief of minor muscle and joint pain and stiffness; the temporary relief of joint pain associated with arthritis; muscle spasms; minor strains and sprains; muscular relaxation; and the temporary increase of local circulation where applied.
NOTICE: The AVACEN 100 is not for sale in the U.S. for any FDA non-cleared indication mentioned in this document including MICROCIRCULATION.
The AVACEN-100 uses the AVACEN Treatment Method to temporarily increase microcirculation to aid in the relief of minor muscle and joint pain and stiffness and the temporary relief of joint pain associated with conditions such as arthritis and fibromyalgia.
Getting your exercise and increasing your heart rate on a regular basis are obviously very good for your body.
One of the reasons increased circulation is so good for you has to do with a lesser talked about subject of naturally increased microcirculation.
While circulation refers to blood flow to and from vital organs, microcirculation refers to blood flow in the smallest blood vessels in the body – capillaries, arterioles, and other such blood vessels. These blood vessels are often embedded in the organs, including the skin, and interact directly with muscle tissue.
Poor microcirculation is one of the single biggest contributing factors to almost all health problems: Diabetes, hypertension, vascular disease, atherosclerosis, kidney disease, Alzheimer’s, early aging and others. It is estimated that 80% of the population over the age of 40 may have moderately to extremely serious microcirculation problems and almost every non-injury related pain can be traced to a compromised microcirculation issue.
Until recently, there has never really been an increase in a body’s microcirculation without a proportionally larger increase in the body’s circulation. Meaning, you couldn’t really get the benefits of increased microcirculation without exercising, doing yoga, working out, going in a sauna or jacuzzi, stretching, water aerobics, or other activities that might get the blood flowing.
Reading and you will quickly see why increased microcirculation just may be exactly what your body needs to reduce pain and swelling on a daily basis.

Where need use nail fold vasculature?


Nailfold Capillaroscopy for Diagnosis of Secondary Raynaud

Nailfold capillaroscopy can determine whether or not Raynaud’s is secondary to an illness such as scleroderma. Raynaud’s is often the first symptom of scleroderma, and may precede the onset of Scleroderma and other scleroderma symptoms by years or by months.

Only 5% to 20% of people with Raynaud’s phenomenon subsequently develop scleroderma, but about 90% of scleroderma patients experience this extreme cold sensitivity with red/blue flashes in their hands and feet as a primary manifestation of their disease. What Causes Raynaud’s? National Heart Lung and Blood Institute. NIH.

Low Risk for Developing Systemic Sclerosis

Some people with positive ANA and Raynaud’s never go on to develop a defined connective tissue disease (CTD).

A 2006 study presented at the American College of Rheumatology meeting showed that there is a subset of patients with positive ANA and Raynaud’s who never go on to develop systemic scleroderma.

High Risk Factors for Systemic Sclerosis

Raynaud’s + SSc Antibodies + Abnormal Nailfold = 60x Higher Risk of Systemic Sclerosis

Difficulties in diagnosis of systemic sclerosis-related interstitial lung disease (SSc-ILD). The diagnosis of SSc-ILD could maybe be made sooner if a capillaroscopy was performed earlier, according to the current criteria of early SSc. PMC, Respirol Case Rep, 2015 Sep; 3(3): 99–101.

Nailfold Capillaroscopy and Other Diseases

Nailfold Capillaroscopy and Other Diseases. Capillaroscopy can also be useful for the diagnosis of secondary Raynaud’s due to diseases other than scleroderma, including glaucoma, graft vs. host disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and vascular diseases.

Research on Nailfold Patterns in Systemic Sclerosis

Nailfold capillary abnormalities in erectile dysfunction (ED) of systemic sclerosis (SSc). Neither the presence or absence of abnormal capillaroscopy findings nor the subdivision into early, active and late patterns is associated with coexistent ED in SSc. PubMed,Rheumatology. (Also see Erectile Dysfunction and Scleroderma)

Nailfold capillaroscopy (NFC) abnormalities as predictors of mortality in patients with systemic sclerosis (SSc). Avascular scores higher than 1.5 at NFC was an independent predictor of death in SSc, suggesting that NFC can be useful for predicting SSc outcome. PubMed, Clin Exp Rheumatol.

Abnormal nail fold capillaroscopic findings in patients with coronary

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nail fold vasculature capillaroscopy

nail fold capillaroscopy

what is nail fold vasculature capillaroscopy?

microcirculation microscope definition what and why it?

What is microcirculation microscope?





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